High-risk pregnancy is a medical condition in the pregnant women that reduces the chances of normal delivery and increases the chances of preterm delivery. In High-risk pregnancy, the health of women and her baby is on high alert. High-risk pregnancy needs special care and medical attention. It is important that high-risk pregnancy should be treated by qualified and experienced doctors. Guru Infertility Center in Madurai is the perfect option for High Risk Pregnancy Care.
What are the risk factors for high-risk pregnancy?
The risk factors for high-risk pregnancy are
- Advanced maternal age
- Lifestyle choices
- Medical history
- Multiple pregnancies
- Overdue pregnancy and
- underlying pregnancy
What is recommended for high-risk pregnancy?
It is very important to follow the doctor's instruction to control any kind of health problem. If the female pregnancy is considered a high-risk pregnancy, it is recommended
- To visit the doctor regularly throughout pregnancy for prenatal care
- Follow a healthy diet
- Exercise if required
- Protect from infections
- Reduce stress
- Live a happy life
- Daily intake of folic acid
- Getting proper immunization
- Maintaining a proper weight
- Regular physical activities
- Avoiding alcohol, and smoking
What are the treatment options for high-risk pregnancy?
Some common treatment methods for high risk pregnancy are
Gestational diabetes- Gestational diabetes increases pregnancy risks, so it is important to provide a proper diet an treatment plan that maintains blood sugar levels by checking it many times, provide smaller and frequent meals that are low in sugars and carbohydrates and high in fibres all day, provide medication to control diabetes, monitor daily physical activities, overall weight gain and keep record of weekly rate of weight gain
Genetic testing- for first trimester screenings, amniocentesis, and chorionic villus sampling
High blood pressure- prescribed regular exercises and low salt intake
Preeclampsia- prescribed bed rest, intake of vitamins C and E
Placenta Previa- prescribed complete bed rest, if the placenta blocks cervix completely to avoid bleeding
Genetic counseling and screening for birth defects
Pre-birth (antenatal) testing and amniotic fluid assessment
Pre-term labor- recommended drinking lots of fluids and bed rest
Guru Infertility Center in Madurai will offer effective care and treatments for High Risk Pregnancy cases with well advanced technologies. Guru Multispecialty Hospital is the best hospital for pregnancy sevices in Madurai with high-tech technologies.
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Visit Us @ infertility-center-madurai.com