Friday 10 January 2020

Fertility Sparing Surgery

It is estimated that 1 out of 3 women who are mostly in their childbearing age are at risk of developing gynecological malignancies. Even though the condition can be treated effectively with early interventions, sometimes the kind of treatments opted might affect the women's fertility levels. The decrease in fertility levels might hamper the women's dream of motherhood. But recently, the increasing knowledge of the gynecological malignancies has made it possible to preserve the fertility of women despite undergoing the treatment. Fertility preservation has become one of the main aims in treating gynecological malignancies, especially epithelial ovarian cancers, with the help of fertility-sparing surgeries.

What is Fertility Preservation?

It can be defined as the application of surgical or laboratory procedures to help cancer patients help retain their biological ability to have children even after the treatment.

What is Fertility Sparing Surgery?

It is the surgery performed to remove the cancer cells from the ovaries by not affecting the fertility levels of the women and giving her a chance of future conception after complete recovery.

Fertility sparing surgery of epithelial ovarian cancer is based on unilateral (saplingo) oophorectomy and complete surgical staging that includes the omentectomy, pelvic nodal sampling, and peritoneal biopsy.

The main aim of the treatment is both ovarian cancer treatment and fertility preservation.

Who Are The Eligible Candidates For Surgery?

It is a procedure Suitable for young women with early-stage ovarian cancer who do not have children and wish to have them in the future. The other possible candidates for the surgery include patients with
  • Malignant germ cell tumors
  • Borderline tumors
  • Stage IA invasive epithelial ovarian cancer

Which is The Best Place To Get The Surgery?

Management of women who want to undergo fertility-sparing surgery with ovarian cancer requires a lot of expertise and experience from treating gynecologist and oncologist. It is usually a multidisciplinary approach and involves providing the patient with the necessary, multiple options to make the right decision.

Guru Hospital is one of the very few hospitals which has successfully performed one of its kind fertility-sparing surgery for a 27 years patient who has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer. The doctors were able to remove the tumor by preserving fertility levels. The patient, after a successful recovery from cancer, was able to conceive and give birth to a healthy baby with the help of appropriate infertility treatment.

In cases where fertility-sparing surgery is not possible egg freezing may also be considered as an option. It is a procedure where the women's healthy eggs are retrieved and frozen before the start of the cancer treatment. Later these eggs can be fertilized with the partner's sperm to form embryos.

Doctors of Guru Hospital believe that every woman has the right to experience the joy of motherhood despite battling with gynecological malignancies. Hence they provide the best possible treatment options to make their dream come true.

Blog reviewed by: Dr. B. Kalpana
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Friday 8 November 2019

When Should You Freeze Your Eggs And For How Long

Oocyte cryopreservation or egg freezing is becoming popular among women who want to embrace motherhood in their late thirties or early forties due to their personal reasons. This process is no longer seen as part of infertility treatment but as a procedure that empowers women to take control of her life and body, which enables them to plan their pregnancies based on their convenience and desire rather than by their age or biological clock.

It is a procedure that helps preserve the reproductive potential of women by collecting her eggs from the ovaries and freezing them unfertilized that can be used later. The process does not require the male partner as in the regular in-vitro fertilization treatments. When needed, the eggs can be thawed, combined with the sperm, and placed in the uterus of the woman for the pregnancy to take place.

Usually, the eggs can be stored for as much time as the woman wants, and the success rate depends mainly upon thawing and the egg quality at the time of freezing. The kind of preservation technique used also plays a vital role in the longevity of the preserved eggs.

The conditions in which women can consider egg freezing are:

1.ADDRESS THE AGING CONCERN - It is a well-known fact that age and fertility are inversely proportional. Once a woman reaches her thirties, her fertility rate decreases drastically. Egg freezing provides her the opportunity to preserve the high quality, healthy eggs that can be used later when she is ready for pregnancy. Once the eggs are removed and froze, they no longer age.

2.IN VITRO FERTILIZATION During the IVF process, if the male partner is not available during the egg retrieval period or produces less amount of semen than average, the retrieved eggs can be frozen that can be used later in the process.

3.SUFFERING FROM ILLNESS - If the woman is suffering from any illness that can affect her fertility rates like autoimmune disease or sickle cell anemia, it is suggested to opt for egg freezing.

4.CANCER TREATMENT – Egg freezing is a viable option for women undergoing cancer treatments like chemotherapy or radiotherapy as the treatments drastically decrease the fertility rates.The frozen eggs before the treatment help women to have biological children in the future.

freezing technique provides women to lead a stress-free life and help pursue a career or dream of their choice and embrace motherhood when they are ready without bothering about their age and decreasing fertility levels.

If you are one among many, who want to preserve your reproductive potential and attain freedom from fertility aging contact Guru Hospital, Madurai.
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Blog reviewed by: Dr. B. Kalpana
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Friday 22 February 2019

How is ICSI different from IVF?

Thanks to the wonders of assisted reproductive technology (ART), researchers and doctors have made many astonishing breakthroughs with several fertility treatments. There has been an exponential growth of many ART procedures during the past decade.  The world of assisted reproductive technology can seem like a minefield, particularly when you’re new to the acronyms, for words you may otherwise not have come across.

What is IVF?

IVF stands for in vitro fertilization. IVF is not a single procedure but a series of procedures. It’s one of the more generally known types of assisted reproductive technology. In vitro fertilization is a Latin phrase that means “in glass” (since early biological experiments involved cultivation of tissues outside the living organism in glass containers such as test tubes or petri dishes).  IVF crafts a controlled environment that comprehensively enhances the opportunity for fertilization of the egg. 

To put it more bluntly, egg and sperm are combined in a lab for IVF treatment (so the “glass” in the name)—incubated, and carefully monitored throughout the fertilization process.  Over the course of 3 to 5 days, successfully fertilized eggs develop into embryos and subsequently, the embryo quality is scrutinized for transfer or freezing or for further culturing and development. For the woman, though, the IVF procedure actually starts weeks earlier.  The specific events of each path in IVF may be similar for all patients, what varies is how their body responds at each stage.

ivf treatment in tamil nadu

What Is ICSI?

Although ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) has been around since 1992, it’s increasingly being used in recent times to help couples struggling with infertility. ICSI is a specialized procedure of ART that is used mostly commonly in cases of severe male infertility, after failed fertilization attempts with conventional IVF, or after egg freezing (oocyte preservation). ICSI involves injecting a single sperm directly into an egg using a fine glass needle (on contrary to standard IVF where the sperm has to penetrate the egg by itself).  

1. ICSI is typically used in cases of male infertility, including:
  • Oligospermia (Very low sperm count)
  • Teratozoospermia (increased percentage of morphologically abnormal spermatozoa that affects male fertility )
  • Asthenozoospermia(Poor sperm motility)

2. ICSI is also used in cases of retrograde ejaculation (Semen travels into the bladder instead of going out through the urethra during ejaculation). 

3. ICSI can also help men who have obstruction in vasa deferentia (ducts that carry the sperm from the testicles to the urethra for ejaculation such as following vasectomy or trauma) or in cases of congenital absence of the Vas deferens

4.  Other evidence-based reasons for the practice of ICSI include:

Previous IVF cycles having few or no fertilized eggs: ICSI may be tried in the case when a good number of eggs are retrieved, and sperm counts look healthy, but no eggs get fertilized.
  • Cryopreserved sperm is being used: ICSI may be recommended when the fresh sperm don’t appear especially active.
  • Cryopreserved oocytes are being used: sometimes, vitrification of eggs after egg freezing can cause hardening of the egg’s shell which may set hurdles for fertilization, in that case- IVF with ICSI may help overcome this problem.
  • IVM (in vitro maturation) is being used: IVM is an IVF technology where retrieval of immature oocytes from the ovaries with hormonal injections. They undergo the final stages of maturation in the lab culture using hormones or a naturally occurring oocyte protein dimer. More research is still ongoing, but it may be that IVM along with ICSI is a good option. 
  • When PGD is performed: PGD (preimplantation genetic diagnosis) is genetic testing of pre-implantation stage embryos or oocytes for genetic defects. ICSI is used commonly  during PGD to eliminate the risk of contamination from extraneous sperm DNA

Difference between ICSI and IVF at a glance:

The ICSI procedure is appropriate for couples with major male factor infertility. IVF will be the best option when sperm count is low but morphology and motility are normal.  Fertility specialists would go for IVF when possible as it allows a more natural selection of the best sperm to ideally fertilize the egg. Sometimes ICSI is chosen when morphology or motility is abnormal. ICSI is very successful even when the sperm motility and morphology are severely impaired.

Guru Hospital is a well-known Infertility Center Madurai with a national and international recognition for infertility-related treatments and IVF services. Guru hospital provides the best ivf treatment in Tamil Nadu and been helping couples fulfil their dreams to become parents with expert treatments and dedicated care. The Infertility Specialists in Madurai offer you the entire range of treatments and services to assist you in your journey to having a child. These include preconception counselling and testing, IUI, IVF, ICSI, Pre-genetic Diagnosis, sexual dysfunction treatment and ICSI Treatment in India as well as gynaecologic surgeries. 

They aim to provide reliable, high quality, personalized care for patients and to treat infertility-related conditions as well as other areas of women’s care, by adopting sophisticated technologies, and thereby be a one stop solution centre for infertility.


Tuesday 13 November 2018

Lifestyle Changes To Cure Female Infertility path to conception can be a bumpy trail for many people. When many people think of infertility treatment, they picture high-tech procedures, sophisticated testing and powerful medications. Sure, they are really, really helpful but first things first. Even simple lifestyle changes can improve fertility health and have an extremely positive impact on the ability to conceive or treat infertility. 

Is pregnancy evading you even though you have been trying diligently? It’s all right, keep the faith: All pregnancies start when egg meets sperm – therefore, they have to to be in the same place at the same time. That’s not the whole story. There is more to set the stage for a healthy pregnancy i.e. keeping track of when your ovaries release your egg, ovulation window and having intercourse at the right time. There are a few tweaks and easy lifestyle changes to improve the quality of your eggs and increase chances of conception.


What lifestyle changes can decrease female infertility?


Healthy eating can optimize fertility:

If you have been having problems getting pregnant - you can deliciously dine your way to a happy, healthy pregnancy by following a fertility diet. The true fertility foods are whole grains, excellent protein packages, healthy fats and even the occasional bowl of ice cream. This isn't just wishful thoughts.
Keep in mind; this work just fills a critical information gap on diet and fertility as well as the recommendations will not work for infertility issues due to physical impediments such as blocked fallopian tubes. The recommendations are intended at preventing and reversing ovulatory infertility, which accounts for almost 25 % cases of infertility.  

In a nutshell:
  • Avoid artery-clogging Trans-fats and eat more healthy unsaturated fats.
  • Indulge in healthy, plant-based fats in moderation
  • Choose complex slow carbs (that are rich in fiber) and no highly processed ones.
  • Consume  whole milk (one or two servings a day) or other full-fat dairy foods
  • Stick to less-processed sweeteners and Cut down sugar levels
  • Choose whole foods over processed options
  • Take a multivitamin daily that Should contain at least 400 mcg of folic acid
  • Get plenty of iron from plants
  • Head toward the fertility zone for weight (body-mass index (BMI) of 20 to 24)

Exercise and infertility

Regular exercise increases and brings in fresh blood flow to a woman’s reproductive organs. So, before you ramp up your current workout or begin a new workout regime, consider this: sedentary lifestyle can be detrimental to fertility and extreme exercising also has been revealed to be bad for fertility. So, actually, it is all about moderation.
New studies have shown that yoga asanas not only helps to cure female infertility but helps to increase the chances of a successful IVF pregnancy by up to 26 percent. 


  • Increases blood flow to your reproductive system
  • Releasing stress and anxiety. Creating clarity in your mind
  • Helps to refurbish your endocrine system and hormonal balance
  • Detoxify body and Balances life energy flow throughout the body
  • Supporting a healthy immune system


Obesity and infertility

Overweight and obesity has detrimental effects on all systems, including reproductive health whether you’re using natural means or by assisted reproductive technologies. The risk of anovulation, menstrual irregularities, conception rates, miscarriage rates, subfecundity, infertility and pregnancy complications are increased in obese women. Obesity not only makes it much more difficult to conceive, but it also exposes both the mother and the infant to all kind of risks before and after birth.

Many researchers have stated that in addition to the above, obese women who underwent fertility treatments were less likely to achieve success with in vitro fertilisation (IVF), Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) or gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT).

According to a weight loss study by researchers Zain & Norman, 2008, the following positive results were attained with female subjects who lost 5% of their body weight:  overall, the women

  • Improved their pregnancy rates
  • Improved the hormonal environment in their bodies
  • Restored their regular menstruation and ovulation
  • Reduced their waist circumference measurements( which varies)
  • Increased their insulin sensitivity by a whopping 70%
  • Lost 11% of their abdominal fat
Do you believe it? A woman who is overweight or obese would need to lose 5kg (It may increase more depending on her weight) to achieve a good turn-around in her reproductive capacity.)


Oral Hygiene and infertility:

Good oral hygiene doesn’t only make you more adorable, it also may make you more fertile. During pregnancy, poor oral health is associated with an increased risk of preeclampsia, preterm labor, gestational diabetes and having low birth weight baby. Ensuring your teeth and gums are healthy isn’t only important for your fertility, it may also be vital for your not-yet-conceived child. 


What to do if your lifestyle changes don't work?

Though lifestyle corrections and wellness should be pursued for its own sake and as a basic therapy, we can’t do everything through lifestyle to shift fertility issues such as fixing blocked tubes, fibroids, or DNA problems for eggs. Remember, lifestyle changes can “improve chances” and for “meaningfully improving chances” it is important to work with a fertility care team having the experience to precisely diagnose the underlying cause of your infertility and design a personalized treatment plan meeting your specific personal and medical needs.

Guru Hospitals, Madurai offers you the entire range of treatments and services to assist you in your journey to having a child. These include preconception counselling and testing, IUI, IVF treatment in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, CASA, ICSI etc. They are known as the best hospital for pregnancy services in Madurai. The Fertility Centre has a wealth of expertise in providing Women infertility treatments in Tamil Nadu and sophisticated treatments as well as care when it comes to managing infertility.
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Get To Know About The Sperm Washing Procedure

Infertility has never been a disease or an infinite cause of sorrow. One or the other, there have been solutions coming up which can effectively help many couples to have their own babies, which they have thought would never happen. We, at Guru Multispeciality Hospital, Madurai, the complete Infertility centre endorsed with the high tech technologies assure the happiness and positive end results in all the couples who approach us. Different couples require different treatments and combinations of In-Vitro fertilization and Assisted Reproductive Techniques.

Sperm Wash is one of the very effective and result-giving methods of IVF in male infertility. Sperm Wash is the procedure of washing the sperm off the semen to collect the sperms individually. The collected sperms are later deposited in the uterus using the intrauterine insemination technique of artificial insemination. Thus, sperm wash ensures higher chances of fertilization and the embryo formation.

Sperm wash method is used in cases of low sperm count or defective sperms in males. The structural defect in sperms refrains them being active swimmers to reach the fallopian tube. The low count of sperms reduce the chances of successful fertilization. So, in order to overcome these situations, sperm wash is used. The swim-up technique is also used to diagnose the ability of the sperm to escape from the semen into the cervix. The washed sperms can stay live up to 5 days in the fertile mucus. The separately collected sperm can be used for the IUI procedures as fresh or as frozen. At most times, frozen sperms are given more preference due to the high rate of success.

At Guru Multispeciality Hospital, we make sure to provide you with the best results possible and to complete the happiness of your family. We, being the most trusted name in artificial insemination treatments in India, consider it us our duty to help the couples who come in need of support. Delay not to reach out the best male infertility treatment centre in Tamilnadu, for we reach the unreached!
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Wednesday 7 March 2018

Best Care For High Risk Pregnancy In Madurai

High-risk pregnancy is a medical condition in the pregnant women that reduces the chances of normal delivery and increases the chances of preterm delivery. In High-risk pregnancy, the health of women and her baby is on high alert. High-risk pregnancy needs special care and medical attention. It is important that high-risk pregnancy should be treated by qualified and experienced doctors. Guru Infertility Center in Madurai is the perfect option for High Risk Pregnancy Care.

What are the risk factors for high-risk pregnancy?

The risk factors for high-risk pregnancy are

  •  Advanced maternal age
  •  Lifestyle choices
  •  Medical history
  •  Multiple pregnancies
  •  Overdue pregnancy and
  •  underlying pregnancy

What is recommended for high-risk pregnancy?

It is very important to follow the doctor's instruction to control any kind of health problem. If the female pregnancy is considered a high-risk pregnancy, it is recommended

  •  To visit the doctor regularly throughout pregnancy for prenatal care
  •  Follow a healthy diet
  •  Exercise if required
  •  Protect from infections
  •  Reduce stress
  •  Live a happy life
  •  Daily intake of folic acid
  •  Getting proper immunization
  •  Maintaining a proper weight
  •  Regular physical activities
  •  Avoiding alcohol, and smoking

What are the treatment options for high-risk pregnancy?

Some common treatment methods for high risk pregnancy are

Gestational diabetes- Gestational diabetes increases pregnancy risks, so it is important to provide a proper diet an treatment plan that maintains blood sugar levels by checking it many times, provide smaller and frequent meals that are low in sugars and carbohydrates and high in fibres all day, provide medication to control diabetes, monitor daily physical activities, overall weight gain and keep record of weekly rate of weight gain

Genetic testing- for first trimester screenings, amniocentesis, and chorionic villus sampling

High blood pressure- prescribed regular exercises and low salt intake

Preeclampsia- prescribed bed rest, intake of vitamins C and E

Placenta Previa- prescribed complete bed rest, if the placenta blocks cervix completely to avoid bleeding

Genetic counseling and screening for birth defects

Pre-birth (antenatal) testing and amniotic fluid assessment

Pre-term labor- recommended drinking lots of fluids and bed rest

Guru Infertility Center in Madurai will offer effective care and treatments for High Risk Pregnancy cases with well advanced technologies. Guru Multispecialty Hospital is the best hospital for pregnancy sevices in Madurai with high-tech technologies.

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Tuesday 26 December 2017

A new hope for a successful pregnancy by Curing Male Infertility

Man reproduction or infertility issue is a most common problem and a major obstacle for a successive pregnancy. From the extensive exploration, it is analysed that averagely, per unit of seven men, one man is affected and suffering from male infertility dilemma. 

Man infertility problem arises due to numbers of causes like production of unhealthy sperm, unhealthy eggs, blocked fallopian tubes which creates obstacle to sperm to reach the egg, the sperm's inability to fertilize the egg and many others. Though, semen does not give much difficulty during sexual intercourse and ejaculation period so only medical test can claim the quality of man’s fertility system. 

Causes and Symptoms of Male Infertility 

There are some other notable causes and symptoms of man infertility:-

There is a feeling of pain in veins, swelling or a lump in testicle area, recurrent respiratory infections, inability to smell, decreased facial or body hair or other signs of chromosomal or hormonal abnormality, etc.

Guru Multispecialty Hospital, Madurai

They are dedicated to a sole mission to facilitate infertility patients to give birth to their own babies. They offer for all types of infertility problems for both men and women with highly qualified doctors who are accessible and affordable to the common people. Apart from being the leading infertility center in Tamil Nadu, Guru Specialty Hospital will also focus on a training center in infertility.

Summation of certain steps and procedure of treatment for infertility:- 

They follow certain steps during their treatment process which obviously vary from person to person and their requirements. Like Sperm retrieval, Sperm Washing, Intrauterine Insemination (Artificial Insemination) and Intrauterine Insemination (Artificial Insemination). 

Their main goal of serving treatment is to bring harmony and peace in the married life and make possible to impossible things.

For further details,
Drop a mail at Guru Multispecialty Hospital, Madurai